2010 Tutu Fellow Eric Kacou has joined forces with Hassan El-Houry to write a book on some of the difficulties facing aviation in Africa and how it could revitalise African economies. Titled Fly Africa: How Aviation Can Generate Prosperity Across the Continent, the book highlights how aviation could become one of Africa’s greatest strengths, underpin its economic growth and connect it with the rest of the world. Africa’s aviation industry currently trails much of the world, and although Africans make up 12% of the world’s population, they are only 2% of its flying passengers.
In the book, the authors collectively map a route to transform the continent’s aviation, highlighting its existing champions and illustrating the effects aviation can have on other sectors. It is based on solid research and combined with personal knowledge and experience.
Hassan El-Houry is the Group CEO of National Aviation Services, the fastest growing aviation services provider in emerging markets. Eric Kacou provided strategic and economic input into the book and said that a healthy aviation sector in Africa would be felt everywhere. It would mean more African tourists in Europe, more African businesspeople in the Middle East, and more African students abroad. That, in turn, would change the relationship between Africa and the rest of the world.
The book seeks to offer a realistic appraisal of the current aviation sector on the continent as well as an optimistic vision of what’s possible when we unleash the potential of aviation in Africa. The book can be purchased on Amazon.