Mappable Search of Tutu Fellows
Job Title: Co-founder
Organisation: Young Women's Leadership Institute
Professional History: Saida Ali is engaged in programming for women in leadership, capacity building, and skills development. At the Young Women's Leadership Institute, she provides leadership in organizational strategic thinking and plays a key role in the development of leadership and governance programs for young women. She has previously been a Resource Person for the Ford Foundation and the Heinrich Boll Foundation. Saida has held a number of senior-level programme management and governance/ advisory roles. She has built considerable expertise in the design, implementation, and evaluation of socio-economic and gender justice programmes that span policy analysis and oversight, humanitarian, resilience, and long-term development. She has worked at national, regional and global levels, including as the Executive Director of the Coalition on Violence Against Women.
Saida is an Atlantic Senior Fellow for Social and Economic Equity. She is an independent consultant on gender equality and an international policy analyst. She has researched the global economies of care and migration, and how gender, race, and class intersect to reproduce and justify various inequalities. She is a thought leader and an expert on programming to address violence against women and girls and has participated actively in campaigns to end female genital mutilation (FGM) and other forms of violence against women and girls.
Academic and professional credentials: None on record