Mappable Search of Tutu Fellows
Job Title: Program Director
Organisation: SIFE Africa
Professional History: Williams Rich is the Program Director SIFE Africa.
He became the first president of Student In Free Enterprise (SIFE) at the University of Ghana. His passion for success led him to compete in the first SIFE world cup alone when he realized that his team members were all not granted visas into the United Kingdom, barely 48 hours before the presentation commenced. He went on the following year to lead his team and country in placing second at the SIFE World Cup, in Amsterdam. Together with his teammates, they have influenced the lives of many disadvantaged people in Ghana.
A soap project was initiated in 2002, which was aimed at helping impoverished people who had believed that unless they had government intervention their lives were not going to be improved. William believes that the success of any nation depends on the paradigm of the people in that nation. Together with his SIFE team they conducted research and found out the village had abundant Palm kennel enough raw materials which could be turned into soap. They began to teach the inhabitants how to make soap and sell it to their surrounding villages for an income.
Academic and professional credentials: University of Ghana Legon, Economics and Statistics