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Tomorrow’s Leaders Graduate (TLG) offers students from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) a unique opportunity to pursue higher education and earn a master’s degree through leading American accredited institutions in the MENA region. TLG equips graduate students with the professional experience needed to advance knowledge and contribute to the achievement of socially relevant outcomes through research that furthers the professionalization of merging leaders. Degrees in medicine or law are not supported under this program.Details
MEPI – Tomorrow’s Leaders Graduate Scholarship Program |
25 - 250 |
+1 202 647 4000 |
Leadership Impact Platform |
Globally, Northern Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, Southern Africa |
Government |
North America |
United States |
US Department of State |
Yes |
US State Department |
2003 |
Leadership organisation location
666 5th Ave, New York, NY 10103, USA