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Since its inception, the African Leadership Institute has served as a Pan-African initiative with a strong view that Africa’s future lies in the investment and development of effective, values-based and enlightened African leaders. ALI's objective is to develop the next generation of values-based African leaders. These leaders will not only impart knowledge and share opinions, but also guide and lead their countries with integrity. It says its programme mission is to empower a number of leaders who are now shaping the continent in a positive light. ALI forms part of the Aspen Global Leadership Network (AGLN), which was established worldwide in collaboration with the Aspen Institute, and consists of other leadership initiatives similar to ALI. ALI is represented in three regions: ALI West Africa, ALI East Africa and ALI South Africa.Details
Name of Primary Programme Africa Leadership Initiative |
Corporate funders CETA Construction Services (Mozambique); Infotech Investments (Tanzania); LEAP Africa (Nigeria); TechnoServe (Africa/USA) |
Organisation website |
Programme Type Leadership Development Programme |
Region from which participants are selected West Africa, East Africa, Southern Africa |
Programme Contact email |
Programme Funders Philanthropic, Corporate |
Region of programme delivery West Africa, Southern Africa, North America |
Country of operation South Africa |
Philanthropic funders ASPEN Institute USA; The Databank Foundation (Ghana) ; The Letsema Foundation (South Africa) |
Are programmes continuing? Yes |
Organisation Name Africa Leadership Initiative |
Leadership organisation location
1 Bompas Rd, Dunkeld West, Randburg, 2196, South Africa