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Africa Leadership Initiative East Africa Foundation serves as a catalyst for participatory engagement on matters of significance to the African continent, deepening the pool of influential, effective and ethical leaders across Africa prepared to assume personal responsibility and collective accountability for the development and governance of Africa for the good of all her people. ALI Fellows reflect on their own leadership values and role in society and engage and offer support to one another to build ventures that impact their communities and make the world a better place. To this end, the ALI East Africa Foundation was established to provide the framework for sustained fellows’ action and impact.Details
Name of Primary Programme ALI - East Africa |
Numbers of programme participants annually 25 - 250 |
Telephone Number +255 784 311841 |
Programme Type Leadership Development Programme |
Region from which participants are selected East Africa |
Organisation website |
Programme Funders Philanthropic, Corporate |
African country or countries of programme delivery Tanzania |
Programme Contact email |
Philanthropic funders Google.Org Foundation; Rockefeller Foundation; The Tony Elumelu Foundation; MINDS |
Region of programme delivery Eastern Africa |
Country of operation Tanzania |
Corporate funders TechnoServe; Infotech Investment Group |
Are programmes continuing? Yes |
Organisation Name Africa Leadership Initiative |
Programme Start Date 2006 |
Leadership organisation location
Old Bagamoyo Rd, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania