Young people across the African continent have read the Greater Inclusion of African Youth in Governance and Public Service report and are calling for its implementation on social media. Project Pakati’s Change Makers posted their call to action throughout the month of March 2021, and it can be seen on their Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Following the launch of the Greater Inclusion of African Youth in Governance and Public Service report, the AU Youth Envoy, Aya Chebbi - within the confines of social distancing and the limitations on travel due to the pandemic - was able to meet the Namibian President, Hage Geingob, in October 2020. She was also able to secure a speaking enagagement at the opening of the South Sudan National Dialogue, where the tenets and recommendations of the report were put forward.
The report was also virtually presented report at the Youth Policy Session of the SADC Youth especially calling for more advocacy from young people based on the recommendations of the report. Additionally, the Youth Envoy advocated for youth inclusion in leadership, as well as distributed a few hard copies of the report at the launch of the Kenya Ni MiMi nationwide campaign to galvanize youth voices and build trust and collaboration at the State House Kenya. The report was also shared and reflected on at the African Governance Architecture 9th High Level Dialogue in November 2020.
All Africa and Africa News were just two publications that carried articles about the attention being raised regarding the issue of inclusion of youth in governance. Copies of the report were also distributed to the AU Commission Chairperson, Moussa Faki Mahamat and the 55 African Union member states represented in Addis Ababa. Copies were also shared with the Ambassadors to the AU from Algeria, Ethiopia, Nigeria and South Africa.
Since then, Project Pakati has been advocating for greater youth inclusion in governance and decision-making on Project Pakati’s social media platforms. African youth have been joining in.