2015 Tutu Fellow Landry Signé has published a new book titled Innovating Development Strategies in Africa. It looks at international, regional and national drivers that play a role in African policy and economic transformation and the shift from state-led strategies to regional economic integration. Signe reviews and analyses postcolonial strategies for economic development and provides an explanation of policy innovations since the 1960s. A focus is Francophone Africa, where he provides detailed case studies.
The book was selected by The Washington Post as one of the of "the best books published on African politics in 2016 and 2017" and was featured in Washington Post in an annual feature called Fourth Annual TMC African Politics Summer Reading Spectacular"
The book has also garnered praises and endorsements by leading policy makers and scholars including the Chief Economist for Africa at the World Bank, Albert Zeufack, who called Signé one of the most innovative thinkers of his generation. Jeremy Weinstein, now a Professor of Political Science at Stanford University and a Former Deputy to the U.S. Ambassador to the UN and White House staffer on the National Security Council, said that Signé illuminates how African governments have changed both the policies they choose and the institutional means by which they choose them.
Paul Collier, a Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Oxford University, said: “This book has two major strengths. It uses a framework in which interests, ideas and institutions all matter. We need more books like this.” The former President of the Republic of Malawi, Joyce Banda, also thought highly enough of the book to take the time to write the foreword.
The book is available from Cambridge University Press.